Road, Weather and Earthquake Reports
Weather in the Santa Cruz Mountains
San Lorenzo Valley Current Weather
- Operating and maintained by HiWay9 and San Lorenzo Water District. Warning: Be sure to check date and time of weather update.
- Santa Cruz Weather Report - this one appears to be the most up-to-the-minute weather forecast report.
- Weather Underground - Santa Cruz
Boulder Creek Weather Forecast
Current Weather
Boulder Creek Storm - January 31, 1999
- An example of a weekend rain storm in Boulder Creek and the Central Coast using satellite, radar and NEXRAD imagery. It pours here!
Road Conditions in the Santa Cruz Mountains
Check on road closures on lists maintained by Santa Cruz County and California Department of Transportation (CalTrans)
Santa Cruz County Road Conditions
- Updated and Maintained by Santa Cruz County
- Road Slippage - an article on how winter rains can play havoc with local roads.
- Santa Cruz Metro Route 35A - take the local county bus when you just don't feel like or can not drive.
Greater Santa Cruz County Road Conditions
- Updated and Maintained by CalTrans
Current Weather Images for California
San Francisco Satellite [Summary] [Animation]
San Francisco Radar [Summary] [Animation]
San Francisco NEXRAD
San Francisco Region Precipitation Estimate 1
San Francisco Region Air Stagnation Estimate
San Francisco Region Great Sailing Estimate, Jetstream
National Weather Reports
- Small-scale realtime weather stations at various locations through out the US.
Recent Local Earthquake Reports and Information
USGS California Recent Earthquakes
USGS Santa Cruz, California Recent Earthquakes
Live Semisograph HollisterUSGS Station
- See recorded earthquakes as they happen on a semisograph. Fun to correlate with the USGS Santa Cruz recent earthquake map report.
USGS San Francisco Bay Region Project
- Information and links to geological mapping, landslides, paleontology, geophysics and 3-D modeling.
Sierra Nevada Mountains
For those of us in the Santa Cruz Mountains that want bigger mountains to play in.
Roads, Weather and Earthquake Reports
Live Weather at Mono Lake, Eastern Sierra Mountains
Live Weather at Mammoth Mountain, Eastern Sierra Mountains
USGS Long Valley, California Recent Earthquakes
World Weather, Earthquakes and Events
- An interactive satellite photo composite of the world's current weather.
- World Temperature
World Map of Recent Eartquakes
- An interactive map of recent earthquakes occuring in the world.
- The popular Earth Alert weekly report that details current world natural events and situations.
- Get the current solar system and space weather report.
- General Menu
- Space weather Alerts and Warnings
- Current Solar Wind
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Revised: 22 Jul 2001 16:02:41 -0700.