Boulder Creek, CA Current Weather Conditions [Select Refresh to Update]
Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V15.00

Current Conditions


Last Updated: 10:30am on 3/14/25
Outside Temperature: 42.7 °F
Today's High: 42.7 °F at 10:30am
Lo: 37.9 °F at 6:41am
Barometric Trend: 0.001
Sunrise : 7:18am  Sunset: 7:13pm
Moonrise:   7:57pm   Moonset:  7:32am
Moon Phase: 15


Value High Time Low Time Average Rate Rate Hi Time Rate Lo Time

Wind Direction

E 360 6:15am 5 4:59am 115 -39.6 231.3 4:59am -133.9 6:15am

Wind Speed

0 18 5:03am 0 12:00am 0 -0.1 17.3 5:03am -1.2 5:56am


0 22 5:03am 0 12:00am 2 -1.8 14.1 5:03am -8.5 6:00am

In Humidity

46 48 4:33am 44 7:13am 45 1.2 1.3 10:24am -2.3 7:13am

Out Humidity

96 97 9:34am 95 12:00am 96 -0.1 1.4 9:34am -0.9 5:33am

In Temp

66.5 68.2 7:22am 64.1 5:27am 67.1 -0.61 1.88 7:05am -0.83 1:49am

Out Temp

42.7 42.7 10:30am 37.9 6:41am 41.1 1.64 1.83 8:52am -1.74 6:34am


29.08 29.22 12:05am 29.06 7:12am 29.08 0.001 0.012 9:30am -0.050 4:41am


32.16 32.16 10:24am 31.60 12:00am 32.14 0.020 0.150 5:58am 0.000 2:10am

Ch 1 Temp

0.0 0.0 12:00am 0.0 12:00am 0.0 0.00 0.00 12:00am 0.00 12:00am

Ch 1 Hum

0 0 12:00am 0 12:00am 0 0.0 0.0 12:00am 0.0 12:00am

Ch 2 Temp

0.0 0.0 12:00am 0.0 12:00am 0.0 0.00 0.00 12:00am 0.00 12:00am

Ch 2 Hum

0 0 12:00am 0 12:00am 0 0.0 0.0 12:00am 0.0 12:00am

Ch 3 Temp

0.0 0.0 12:00am 0.0 12:00am 0.0 0.00 0.00 12:00am 0.00 12:00am

Ch 3 Hum

0 0 12:00am 0 12:00am 0 0.0 0.0 12:00am 0.0 12:00am


0.00 0.00 10:00am 0.00 12:00am 0.00 0.001 0.001 10:00am -0.052 12:00am

UV Index

1.1 1.1 10:30am 0.0 12:00am 0.3 0.76 0.76 10:30am -0.21 10:09am


257 257 10:30am 0 12:00am 88 168.9 169.6 10:30am -0.4 12:00am

Wind Chill

42.7 42.7 10:30am 30.0 7:13am 41.0 1.68 1.91 8:52am -8.58 7:13am

In Heat Index

66.9 68.5 7:22am 64.7 5:27am 67.4 -0.50 1.75 7:05am -0.81 1:35am

Heat Index

49.3 49.3 10:26am 44.3 6:41am 47.6 1.62 1.97 8:52am -1.79 6:34am

Dew Point

41.6 41.8 10:26am 36.6 6:41am 40.0 1.60 2.06 8:52am -1.82 6:34am

Barom Sea-level

29.83 29.97 12:05am 29.80 7:12am 29.82 0.001 0.012 9:30am -0.052 4:41am


Month High Date Month Low Date Year High Date Year Low Date Yesterday High Yesterday Low 24 Hour Difference

Wind Direction

360 3/1/25 5 3/1/25 360 1/5/25 5 1/5/25 360 5 14

Wind Speed

31 3/12/25 0 3/1/25 31 3/12/25 0 1/1/25 16 0 0


31 3/12/25 0 3/1/25 31 3/12/25 0 1/1/25 16 0 0

In Humidity

53 3/5/25 37 3/7/25 59 2/4/25 33 1/22/25 50 45 -2

Out Humidity

98 3/7/25 28 3/7/25 99 2/8/25 14 1/22/25 98 62 -1

In Temp

71.0 3/1/25 64.1 3/14/25 73.0 2/27/25 62.6 2/11/25 68.8 64.6 0.3

Out Temp

71.0 3/8/25 31.7 3/9/25 83.0 2/26/25 27.1 1/27/25 53.2 38.6 -0.8


29.56 3/8/25 28.96 3/12/25 29.79 1/21/25 28.81 2/13/25 29.22 29.03 -0.04


32.16 3/14/25 28.58 3/1/25 32.16 3/14/25 14.09 1/1/25 31.60 31.23 0.61

Ch 1 Temp

0.0 3/1/25 0.0 3/1/25 0.0 1/1/25 0.0 1/1/25 0.0 0.0 0.0

Ch 1 Hum

0 3/1/25 0 3/1/25 0 1/1/25 0 1/1/25 0 0 0

Ch 2 Temp

0.0 3/1/25 0.0 3/1/25 0.0 1/1/25 0.0 1/1/25 0.0 0.0 0.0

Ch 2 Hum

0 3/1/25 0 3/1/25 0 1/1/25 0 1/1/25 0 0 0

Ch 3 Temp

0.0 3/1/25 0.0 3/1/25 0.0 1/1/25 0.0 1/1/25 0.0 0.0 0.0

Ch 3 Hum

0 3/1/25 0 3/1/25 0 1/1/25 0 1/1/25 0 0 0


0.10 3/8/25 0.00 3/1/25 0.10 3/8/25 0.00 1/1/25 0.05 0.00 -0.00

UV Index

4.1 3/3/25 0.0 3/1/25 4.1 3/3/25 0.0 1/1/25 3.9 0.0 -0.1


1018 3/3/25 0 3/1/25 1018 3/3/25 0 1/1/25 997 0 -118

Wind Chill

71.0 3/8/25 30.0 3/14/25 83.0 2/26/25 27.1 1/27/25 53.2 34.4 -0.8

In Heat Index

71.6 3/1/25 64.3 3/11/25 73.6 2/28/25 62.8 2/11/25 69.3 65.3 0.1

Heat Index

70.4 3/8/25 37.9 3/9/25 80.9 2/26/25 33.2 1/21/25 56.8 44.7 -1.0

Dew Point

50.5 3/7/25 27.2 3/10/25 58.7 1/6/25 18.8 1/21/25 46.8 36.7 -1.1

Barom Sea-level

30.31 3/8/25 29.70 3/12/25 30.55 1/21/25 29.55 2/13/25 29.97 29.77 -0.04

Press Altitude

783 Daily  Rain 0.56 Degree Heating 11.3 Monthly Degree Day Cooling 1.3 Heat Index --- Beaufort Calm

Cloud Base

265 Hourly  Rain 0.02 Degree Cooling 0.0 Monthly Wind Run 87 Comfort Index Cool    

Air Density

-103 24Hr Rain 0.61 Moon Phase 15 Yearly Deg Day Heating 1291.8 Forecast Increasing clouds with little temperature change    

Virtual Temp

44.4 Rain Rate 0.050 Monthly Rain 3.58 Yearly Degree Day Cooling 27.7 Station Barom Trend Steady    

Vapor Press

0.26 Wind Run 3 Monthly Deg Day Heating 235.1 Yearly Wind Run 306 Barometer Trend Steady    

Updated Automatically by Ambient Software's Virtual Weather Station  V15.00
Never make important decisions based on this information or any weather information obtained from the Internet