Current Humidity |



5 Day Humidity
History |

Indoor/Outdoor humidity.
Outdoors is yellow and uses left-hand abscissa. Indoor humidity is a
thin white line and uses right-hand abscissa. The current location
for the indoor humidity sensor is my beer brewery cellar. |
Current Cloudbase |
The cloud base (or the base of the cloud) is the lowest altitude of the visible portion of the cloud. It is traditionally expressed either in m or feet above mean sea level (or planetary surface), or as the corresponding pressure level in hectopascal (hPa, equivalent to millibar). - Wikipedia |
The outdoor humidity (and integrated
temperature) sensor is currently at a southern exposure couple hundred
feet above the valley floor above a mile north of town. A six foot mast
at the southern portion of the house roof ensures that heat coming from
the roof doesn't affect the sensor readings. |
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29 Mar 2008 10:08 -0800 GMT
(Pacific) |