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NEXRAD Composite Reflectivity Radar Viewer

Short Range radar and visual imagery courtesy of the National Weather Service and NWS images are downloaded and processed using StormPredator. Images are further processed for file conversion and file size reduction and uploaded to this website every 15 minutes on the quarter hour by Refresh the page if it appears that imagery is missing or corrupted.

The red dot near the center of the image is the location of weather station. Also if there's a partial image file (lower or top half of the image is missing - due to the webpage downloading the file while a new file is being uploaded to the website), refresh the webpage.
BTW: If you zoom up to the very center during heavy coverage, you will see the "cone of silence" of where the radar is unable to scan directly over head due to its maximum tilt elevation of 19.5°. For more information on NEXRAD Doppler Radar see NWS's WSR-88B Radar FAQ.


Radar imagery is from the top of Mt. Umunhum which is the fourth highest peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains and is located in Santa Clara County. NOAA maintains the NEXRAD Doppler Radar site.

Image from Assault on Mount Umunhum an excellent story of bicycling up to the top and everything about Mt. Umunhum.


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Revised: 16 May 2009 21:41 -0700 GMT (Pacific)