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Daily Outdoor Temperature by Year

  The following graphs displays the outdoor temperatures from 2002 to current. Since this station was brought up online on April 11th, 2002, the warmest day recorded by this station was  110.5° F on July 22, 2006. So far the coldest ever recorded by this station was 23.0° F on January 14th, 2007. Note: The weather station was moved from Bear Creek location to its new home in the Cresta Vista subdivision about a mile north of town on August 6-7, 2005. Since this new location is more exposed, a wider temperature range is experienced.
  Highest temperature in 2013 was 104.4°F on June 29th at 2:13pm. The lowest so far was 26.8°F on January 13th at 6:50am.
  The high temperature for the year so far was 72.1 °F on January 4th, 2012 at 1:47pm. The low temperature was on January 17th, 2012 at 7:49am with a chilly 25.3 °F.
  The high temperature for the year was 99.9 °F on July 3rd24th, 2011 at 1:30pm. The low temperature was on December 24th, 2010 at 7:22am with a chilly 25.5 °F.
  The high temperature for the year so far was 106.2 °F on August 24th, 2010 at 2:50pm. The low temperature was on November 25th, 2010 at 6:11am with a chilly 28.8 °F.



  The start of the year was hot with nearly over a week of warm 70°F weather. The high temperature for the year so far was on August 29, 2009 was 104.2 °F at 12:50pm and the low temperature was on January 4, 2009 was 26.2 °F at 7:58am. We did have some nice, semi-tropical Indian summers this year from late September through October. Nothing like being on a redwood forest trail on a hot moist and muggy day in the fall (makes up for not being in the tropics as often).


  The highest temperature so far was recorded on June 20, 2008 was a 104.4° F at 2:10pm. The coldest temperature recorded on January 1st, a cold 29.5° F at 4:03am. Rain storms kept temperatures mild during January 4-10, and 24-28. The first really warm weather of the year occurred on February 10th through the 12th. Really started to bake April, May and June. The second hottest day was on September 6th at 103.3° F. Lastly, there was a nice burst of warm (70F) weather at the beginning of December.


  For the start of 2007, we had some of the coldest weather spanning nearly two weeks. The coldest recording was reached on January 14th, a record 23.0° F. Just five days prior on January 9th, a temperature reading of 74.7° F  was reached. The highest temperature recorded so far this year was  101.8° F on June 14th at 1:49pm. A second intense hot spell was around September 1st with a high of 101.5° F at 1:52pm. With minimal rainfall this year, the hot temperatures make it a potentially dangerous fire season. Ensure your home has a defensible fire perimeter!


  For the 2006, the highest temperature for February was a balmy 80.2° F recorded on February 8th, 2006. Then a mere eight days later on February 16th a cold was recorded at 27.7° F. On the morning of March 12th, we actually received about 2 inches of snow. The warmest day for the year was 110.5° F recorded on July 22nd at 2:31pm and the 23rd (hot, hot, hot!). The coldest day was recorded on December 19th, 26.6° F at 6:21am.


  For the 2005 season, the highest temperature recorded for this year was 101.3° F on July 23rd, 2005 at 2:12pm. The coldest day was recorded on December 6th, 2005, 28.6° F at 6:32am.


  The highest recorded temperature record for 2004 was 101.7° F that was recorded on September 7th, 2004 at 1:53pm. For the coldest day in 2004, it was 26.2° F on December 4th, 2004 at 6:56am. Note, between April 20th and April 24th, the temperature sensor went out.


  For the 2003 year, the warmest day was recorded on June 27th, 2003 for a high of 97.3° F at 2:46pm. On November 23rd, 2003, the coldest day was recorded to be 29.8° F at 7:53am.


  The weather station started up on April 11th, 2002. The warmest day recorded was on July 9th, 2002 for a high of 100.0° F at 2:23pm. The lowest temperature recorded by the station since start-up was 33.4° F on November 28th, 2002 at 7:16am. Note, the multi-day power outage from November 7th to the 12th.
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  Revised: 06 Jun 2009 22:16 -0700 GMT (Pacific)