Current Wind
Conditions |
Note: Wind conditions in downtown Boulder Creek typically are much higher
than what is represented here due to 'valley wind-tunnel effect'. This weather
station is off Highway 9 about a mile from Boulder Creek and sits a couple
hundred feet above the valley floor . On the wind rose compass, the inner band
is 10 mph and the outer band is set to 20 mph. Anything beyond the 20 mph band
is high winds! |
Density Winds - Eastern Pacific |
5 Day Wind
History |
The wind
anemometer sensor is currently at a southern exposure couple hundred
feet above the valley floor above a mile north of town. The
anemometer is mounted on a six foot mast at the southern portion of
the house roof to ensure that the roof doesn't significantly affect
the sensor readings. There are also some three Douglas Fir trees
about 30 feet to the east of the roof which may introduce some bias. |
Copyright © 2007
All rights reserved |
29 Mar 2008 09:52 -0800 GMT
(Pacific) |