Cresta Vista, Boulder Creek, California, 95006 USA
Lat: 37.140° Lon: -122.127°  Alt: 695 feet
CWOP Site ID: CW1844 WUnderground ID: KCABOULD3

Real-time Weather data updated frequently.

 Boulder Creek Weather Website


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     Page Revised: 04/17/2009 21:34   

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Weather Station - Description and Installation
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Current/Highs/Lows - Outside Conditions top

A type of humidity that considers the ratio of the actual vapor pressure of the air to the saturation vapor pressure. It is usually expressed in percentage.
The temperature to which a sample of air must be cooled, while the mixing ratio and barometric pressure remain constant, in order to attain saturation by water vapor. When barometric pressure pressure remain constant, in order to attain saturation by water vapor. When this temperature is below O°C, it is sometimes called the frost point. The combination of air temperature and humidity that gives a description of how the

A system of estimating and reporting wind speeds. It is based on the Beaufort Force or Number, which is composed of the wind speed, a descriptive term, and the visible effects upon land objects and/or sea surfaces. The scale was devised by Sir Francis Beaufort (1777-1857), hydrographer to the British Royal Navy.

Local Weather Warnings and Alerts top

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Current Forecast from NWS top

Santa Cruz Mountains Zone Forecast
301 AM PDT Tue Oct 22 2024
REST OF TONIGHT - Partly Cloudy
Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 40s to mid 50s. Northwest winds around 5 mph.
TUESDAY - Partly Cloudy - Clearing
Partly cloudy in the morning then becoming sunny. Highs in the 60s to mid 70s. Northwest winds around 5 mph.
Clear. Lows in the 40s to upper 50s. North winds around 5 mph.
WEDNESDAY - Sunny Weather
Sunny. Highs in the 70s to lower 80s. North winds around 5 mph.
Clear. Lows in the 50s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
THURSDAY - Sunny Weather
Sunny. Highs in the 70s to lower 80s.
Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s to lower 60s. Highs in the 70s.
Mostly clear. Lows in the 50s. Highs in the 70s.
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s to lower 60s. Highs in the upper 60s to mid 70s.
SUNDAY NIGHT - Partly Cloudy
Partly cloudy. Lows in the 50s.
MONDAY - Drizzle
Partly cloudy. A slight chance of rain and drizzle. Highs in the 60s to lower 70s.

From the National Weather Service

Prepared by on: Tue Oct 22 06:00:02 PDT 2024

Temperature and Rain Forecasts for Local Cities

No forecasted temperature/precipitation table for cities
available at this time. Check back again at the next forecast run.

   Chance of Rain

Technical Weather Discussion from the NWS



Weather Images top

   National Weather Service Weather Imagery

Latest Radar

Radar image

Latest Satellite

satellite image

IR      Water Vapor      Visible      Fog
  Weather Underground Weather Imagery


Click to Enlarge

 Local Radar

Regional Radar

Visual and IF Satellite

   Naval Research Laboratory Monterey
   Marine Meteorology Division


   NRL Monterey East Pacific & US West Coast Images


Local Personal, METAR and RAWS Stations top

  San Francisco Bay Area Weather Mesonet

This is a map of personal weather stations in the Bay Area. Click on a temperature icon to go to that stations' weather report. Personal Weather Station data is supplied by the Weather Underground. METAR station data is provided by NOAA. This map is updated on the half-hour. Hot links are updated on the quarter-hour. Browser must support ALT image tags. If you are using FireFox, use can use this extension.

Airport METAR Stations - Maintained by the NOAA

Click on one of the menu choices to see the current weather conditions.
Updated every couple hours from NOAA.

RAWS Weather Stations


RAWS, Remote Automated Weather Stations, are typically owned and maintained  by local wildland fire agencies to monitor local fire danger conditions. These weather stations collect, store, and send data to the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho via the GOES satellite.

Fire managers use this data to predict fire behavior and monitor fuels, resource managers use the data to monitor environmental conditions. Usually updated every hour. Link opens into a new browser window. Use the raw data text link to get last 24-hours. All raw data records day of the month and times in Zulu (UTC), subtract 7 hours if local time is PDT (UTC-7), 8 hours if local time is PST (UTC-8).

Pulgas, CA    (Raw Data Link) Los Gatos, CA   (Raw Data Link)
La Honda, CA   (Raw Data Link) Ben Lomond, CA   (Raw Data Link) *
Los Altos, CA   (Raw Data Link) Corralitos, CA   (Raw Data Link)

* closest RAWS near Boulder Creek, on top of Ben Lomond Mountain

More local San Lorenzo Valley weather stations can be found here!

Weather Underground top

Find the Weather for any City, State or Zipcode, or Country


Click above to get today, yesterday, past week and month graphs from KCABOULD3. Weather data updated every 15 minutes. Unless power outage or system issue intervenes, after all the weather station is in a California rain forest.


The Station WeatherCAM top Weather Camera

Looking south-west towards Ben Lomond Mountain. The image is updated every minute. Winter exposure requires the camera to be pointing downwards to avoid sun-burning the camera sensor. (Note burn marks in the upper right hand quadrant.)

A 24 hour time lapse movie is available below of the same scene, courtesy of WeatherUnderground. Note that this feature is still in beta mode SO HICCUPS ARE TO BE EXPECTED. The time lapse movie frame is currently updated every five minutes with the above image.

24 Hour Weather Camera

Due to the poor quality of Wunderground's Flash compilation. I've managed to put my own "yesterday" 24 hour time-lapse weather webcam that shows both 5 minute incremental images from the webcamera along with the weather conditions superimposed over the webcam image. The timelapse webcam movie updates at midnight for the previous day. This feature is under development and is subject to change.

Experimental Link to Yesterday's Weather Webcam
(~2.5MB - will open in a separate window)


5-Day Temperature History top

Daily Outdoor Temperatures by Year  

Outdoor temperature sensor is currently at a southern exposure couple hundred feet above the valley floor above a mile north of town. Previous to August 7th, the station was located on Bear Creek Road near town. For local downtown temperatures - check out San Lorenzo Water District.


5-Day Humidity History top

The amount of water vapor in the air. It is often confused with relative humidity or dew
Indoor/Outdoor humidity. Outdoors is yellow and uses left-hand abscissa. Indoor humidity is a thin white line and  uses right-hand abscissa.


5-Day Barometric History top

Raw barometric pressure is direct from the sensor without applying an offset for sea-level. For every 500 feet, pressure decrease roughly 0.53 inches of mercury. Also known as Station Barometric Pressure.

The atmospheric pressure at mean sea level either directly measured by stations at sea

Is pressure raising (high-pressure and possibly fair weather) or falling (low-pressure and possibly stormy).

Barometric pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of the column of air above a given point, expressed in kilopascals. Generally speaking, when the barometric pressure is high, the air is sinking, usually resulting in fair weather. When the barometric pressure is low or falling, air is rising, usually resulting in cloudy skies and precipitation.

Pressure altitude is an aviation term that indicates the altitude when an altimeter is set to 29.92 inHg (1012 hPa).

Density altitude is the density of air given the temperature, barometric pressure and humidity. Generally air density increases when pressure is high and temperature is low. It decreases when pressure is low and the temperature is high.

Note: Graph displays Station (Raw) Barometric Pressure. Current pressure trend unfortunately records time interval changes. Check graph to determine in general whether pressure is increasing or dropping.



Wind Conditions top

A sudden significant increase in or rapid fluctuations of wind speed. Peak wind must reach at least 16 knots (18 miles per hour) and the variation between peaks and lulls is at least 10 knots (11.5 miles per hour). The duration is usually less twenty seconds.

Note: Wind conditions in downtown Boulder Creek typically are much higher than what is represented here due to 'valley wind-tunnel effect'. This weather station is off Highway 9 about a mile from Boulder Creek and sits a couple hundred feet above the valley floor . On the wind rose compass, the inner band is 10 mph and the outer band is set to 20 mph. Anything beyond the 20 mph band is high winds!

The distance or length of flow of the air past a point during a given interval of time.

A system of estimating and reporting wind speeds. It is based on the Beaufort Force or Number, which is composed of the wind speed, a descriptive term, and the visible effects upon land objects and/or sea surfaces. The scale was devised by Sir Francis Beaufort (1777-1857), hydrographer to the British Royal Navy.

GEOS High Density Winds Eastern Pacific

Daily Wind by Year 

Current Rain Conditions top

Due to power outages, some of the graphs may not be accurate as to real-time. Rainfall totals however are accurate, once power is restored since the weather base station has battery backup.

Rain totals for January 2008 Big Storms:

01/03/2008 1.30"
01/04/2008 7.09"
01/05/2008 1.18"

01/24/2008 1.30"
01/25/2008 6.93"

Typical: Sporadic rains start in October with heavy rains starting in January. Rains decrease in intensity in April-May. Rainfall totals are reset the 1st of every October. Better detailed rain graphs (in/hr) can be found on the WeatherUnderground daily/historical report for this station.
Daily Rainfall by Rain Year   
Rainfall Total by Rain Year
Oct 2002 to Sep 2003: 51.34 inches
Oct 2003 to Sep 2004: 46.80 inches
Oct 2004 to Sep 2005: 66.14 inches
Oct 2005 to Sep 2006: 67.36 inches
Oct 2006 to Sep 2007: 26.24 inches
Rainfall total comparison (this year vs. last year)
This graph shows this year's rainfall totals compared with the total rainfall from our previous year.  Note: rainfall year is calculated from the 1st of October.



Current Cloudbase top




Weather NOAA Summary Archive top

Current NOAA Weather Summary for this weather station.

Click on the year for NOAA summary reports for year and individual months. The page will open up into a new browser window. The 2007 weather summary is usually updated the first of the month.

2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007
2008 2009


Solar Activity top

Current UV Index Forecast


Mauna Loa Image

Sun Active Regions

Today's Sun Hydrogen Alpha Image (click for source)

Solar X-rays

Geomagnetic Field


StatusFrom: Link 

Real-Time Solar Wind

North Auroral Map

South Auroral Map























Note: The GOES Solar X-ray Imager has gone hay-wired and has been taken offline while the SXI team tried to troubleshoot the problem. Therefore the SXI solar images are currently not available. For the latest in operational status, please see this link.

From NOAA Space Environment Center

Other Space Weather Links

Visits to Boulder Creek Weather

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Unauthorized duplication or distribution is prohibited.
Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet
Updated Automatically by Ambient Software's Virtual Weather Station  Version 12.07
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Revised: 17 Apr 2009 21:34 -0700 GMT (Pacific)